@ TOKYO (HOKUTOPIA)/東京(北とぴあ)









 70s male
This is the ninth time I have attended today. The sound was a little not good (too loud). Thank you for letting me see your impressive performance.

male in his 60s
First time attending. I was brought along without knowing anything about it. No, it was interesting. The Kamikaze pilots, of course, were interesting, as well as the doublespeak. The importance of life and where to use it. That is what I learned.

30s male
I am a youtuber. It was the first time for me to attend this event, and I was very excited towards the latter half of the event, and there were some moving scenes during the event. I like stories about predecessors and the spirits of the dead, and I was able to feel them more. It was a great time to learn a new story.

40-50s male
There was so much information that it was hard to organize, but I enjoyed it. I was impressed by the energy of the participants. I had almost no information, but I could understand a lot of what was said, and I think I’ll try to organize it.

30s male
First time attending. The piano solo was so beautiful. I would like to come again.

60~70s male
I was invited by someone who was born in the same year as me. I had never seen it on Youtube. The images of the Kamikaze pilots and the song were a perfect match. We have to cherish the importance of life from now on, and we have to live our lives with the same importance. It was very moving in the sense of protecting the love of our loved ones. Thank you my friends.


和楽器ソウルバンドHEAVENESE(へヴニーズ)が9月4日、東京都北区王子の「北(ほく)とぴあ」さくらホールで今年最後となるコンサート「FREEDOM FIGHT(フリーダムファイト) 11」を開き、全15曲を披露。1000人超が3時間以上にわたり、コントや語りを交えた笑いあり、涙ありのステージを満喫した。

 東京大空襲80年に当たる今回、ライブを貫いて紹介された物語は、太平洋戦争末期の「陸軍万朶(ばんだ)飛行隊」の闘い。隊長の岩本益臣(いわもと・ますみ)大尉らは、人命を軽視する軍上層部と米国の2つに相対した。5月に新たなミュージックビデオ(MV)が発表された『大切なひとよ』では、フリースクール東京y’s Be学園の生徒たちが踊った。

 新曲『Freedom Fight』が披露されたほか、重要無形文化財総合指定保持者の大倉正之助氏の大鼓(おおつづみ)が要所に登場。日本語ラップの草分け的存在、Kダブシャインのオンステージもあった。殺陣師の剣狼(KENRO)やバイオリニストの高橋宗久氏、歌踊演舞一座の響ファミリーが友情出演した。

 スクリーンに表示されるカウントダウンに合わせ、手拍子で幕は開いた。毎週の『HEAVENESE Style(へヴニーズ・スタイル)』で流れるオープニング曲「Spring」が演奏されると、歓声が湧く。いつものスタジオセットに座ったクミコ(Kumiko)とマレ(Marre)が、「クミコとマレと、みんなです」とあいさつした。


 再び明かりの落ちたステージ。箱が開き、メンバーが出て来る。時空を超えた道先案内人という設定の、HEAVENESEを象徴する演出だ。尺八の音色から、インストロメンタル曲『The Code of the Samurai(武士道)』が演奏された。刀を手にした剣狼が、はりつめた空気を切り裂いた。


 「15歳の時は 理想主義者だった 世間知らずだったけど 戸惑いもなかった 世界を変えてやると 意気込む夢心に 理想と現実の 区別なんてなかった

 ああ 相変わらず僕 世渡りさえもろくに出来ない 理想主義者のままさ 今も

 ああ 僕は信じてる 真っすぐ過ぎて 曲がりきれない 君だからこそ 同じ夢が見れると」

 東京y’s Be学園の生徒たち40人ほどが踊った。

 『Freedom Fight』が初めて披露された。ミドルテンポの明るい曲で、心が軽くなるような旋律だ。

 「君は何を見詰めているんだい? この街の中 見詰めていなければいけないのは一つ 約束の『人の子』は今どこに

 もう 過去の重い鎖は外して Freedom Fight

 さあ 全ての重荷を下ろして Freedom Fight」







 このライブは毎週の配信番組『HEAVENESE Style』のスペシャル版という想定で上演されるものだ。そのため、オープニングに、マレとクミコの司会によるざっくばらんなトークコーナーがあり、中盤には、顔出しできないアナウンサー「ヘブニ・イズ」アナが登場する。今回も顔を隠しながらテレビのフレームを首に掛け、視聴者からの励ましのお便り「ビタミンメッセージ」を読み上げた。


「自分が自分であることを誇る そんな感じ

 自分が自分であることを誇る というやつが最後に残る そのとおり」




 「あーあー 果てしなく うそをもり続け

 あーあー いつの日か 大勢死にまくる」


 「ママー ウウウウー 泣かないでくれよ もし明日隔離されても 気にせずに生きて 生きて」








 「汚れ果てても 決して負けない たどり着けるまで この愛を守るよ」

 ステージでは、日の丸の小旗を振るy’s Beの生徒たちが唱和する。曲が終わると、あちらこちらからすすり泣く声が聞こえた。


 「彼らの魂の鼓動を決して聞き逃すな!」とマレは声を発し、イッキ、ルー(Lue)、スー、天竜(Tenryu)による打楽器合戦「四人羽織」が展開される。途中から大倉氏の大鼓が加わり、「イヨーッ ポン」「オオオー イヨーッ ポン」の甲高い調べが会場中の空気を動かした。





 「その時が来たら 僕は旅立つよ
  君も来て欲しい おいてはいけない

  僕は離さない 握り締めた手を
  力ある限り 僕らは歩こう」




 「手を取り合って上を見上げ この道を歩き続けよう

信じる心ある限り 同じ明日を見続けよう」

 後半、東京y’s BE学園の生徒たちが夏の制服姿で登場し、ステージ上を所狭しと踊った。


 神奈川県大和市に住む女性(52)は10歳の娘と、川崎在住の女性の友人(55)とその娘(9)の4人で来た。2020年暮れからファンだという。「コロナのおかしさに気付いて真実を求め、探る中でユーチューブのお薦めに『コロナラプソディ』が出て来て、HEAVENESEを知った。『HEAVENESE Style』にたどり着いたら、本当に素晴らしい」と経緯を明かした。



“Traditional Japanese Music Ignites in Oji, Tokyo: ‘Resist the Deceitful Country with the Spirit of the Banda Corps!’ 



On September 4, the traditional Japanese music band HEAVENESE held their final concert of the year, “FREEDOM FIGHT 11,” at the Sakurako Hall in Oji, Tokyo. They performed 15 songs, captivating an audience of over 1,000 for more than three hours with a performance filled with laughter, storytelling, and tears.


This concert, marking the 80th anniversary of the Tokyo air raids, featured the story of the “Army Banda Aviation Corps” during the final days of World War II. Captain Masumi Iwamoto and his squadron faced both the military leadership that disregarded human life and the United States. In May, a new music video for “My Precious Ones” was released, featuring students from the private Tokyo y’s Be Academy performing.


“In addition to the performance of the new song ‘Freedom Fight,’ Masayuki Okura, a holder of an Important Intangible Cultural Asset, showcased the Ōtsuzumi drum at key moments. K-Dub Shine, a pioneer of Japanese rap, also took the stage. The event featured special guest appearances from sword-fighting master Kenro, violinist Muneyuki Takahashi, and the Hibiki family from the traditional Japanese singing, dancing, and theatrical troupe, all of whom contributed their talents in support of the performance.


The curtain opened to the audience clapping to the countdown displayed on the screen. Cheers erupted as the opening song “Spring,” from on the weekly “HEAVENESE Style” program, was played. Kumiko and Marre, seated at their usual HEAVENESE Style studio set, greeted the audience, saying, “This is Kumiko, Marre, and everyone.”


Marre introduced the town of Oji, where the event took place. On September 4, 1960, the former Prussian delegation from Oisenburg entered Tokyo Bay. They landed and visited Oji. Additionally, the town is known for being the origin of the Somei Yoshino cherry blossom, as well as a production site for gun sights used in fighter planes.


Once again, the lights dimmed on stage. A box opened, and the band members emerged. This was a symbolic performance by HEAVENESE, set up as guides across time and space. The sound of the shakuhachi filled the air as the instrumental piece “The Code of the Samurai” was played. Kenro, wielding a sword, sliced through the tense atmosphere.

For “Innocent Man,” a music video was shown on the screen. It was based on an incident in which a child was forced to wear a mask in elementary school PE class and died during a long distance run. Marre began the song by reminding the audience, “We must not let the memory of the child who died from mask mandates fade away,”


When I was fifteen, I was an idealist,

Naive and unaware, but without hesitation.

With a dream to change the world,

I didn’t see the line between ideals and reality.


Yeah, I’m still the same idealist who can’t even get by in the world.

Yeah, I still believe that because you’re so sincere, you can’t compromise, and that’s why we can share the same dream.

About 40 students from Tokyo y’sBe Academy danced.

Freedom Fight』が初めて披露された。ミドルテンポの明るい曲で、心が軽くなるような旋律だ。


What are you staring at? In this city, there is only one thing you have to stare at. Where is the promised “Son of Man” now?

 No more heavy chains of the past, Freedom Fight

Come on, let go of all your burdens, Freedom Fight


Between songs, Marre calls out, “How’s it going?” From the audience, the audience  replies, “It’s good!” Marre then mentions that this year marks the 80th anniversary of the Tokyo air raids, noting, “The lesson we should learn is that the government lies, as reflected in its official announcements. Yet, despite this, people were deceived by the fabricated pandemic, the farce-demic, and were filled with fear.”


They performed “The King Enma Doesn’t Lie,” starting with the lyrics: “Deceived by sweet words, and before you know it, you’re in hell, where the King Enma awaits, ready to have your tongue cut out.” Following the sound of Takahashi’s violin, the percussion picked up a flamenco-style rhythm, leading to a round of applause. Images of WHO Director-General Tedros and WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab were displayed on the screen.


In “Rendezvous,” the Hibiki family performed the story of a courtesan whose life was fleetingly cut short during the late Edo period. This tale is also featured in Mare’s historical novel “Ōse,” published by Tokuma Shoten.


 The historical account of the ‘Army Banda Aviation Corps’ is recounted. Their mission was to crash into the American fleet with planes carrying 800 tons of explosives, and pilots trained at the Military Academy, including Iwamoto, took on this task. Among them was Corporal Tomoji Sasaki, who returned from nine sorties and lived to be 92 years old.”

In November 1944, he was deployed to the battle in the Philippines.


KASSA, the keyboard player, performed “Kimigayo” and “Sakura Sakura.” A large waving Hinomaru (Japanese flag) was displayed on the screen.


This live performance is supposed to be a special edition of the weekly streaming program “HEAVENESE Style.” Therefore, the opening features a casual talk session hosted by Marre and Kumiko. In the middle of the show, the TV announcer, “HEAVENESE Ana,” who cannot show her face, appeared on the stage. Once again, she concealed their identity while wearing a TV frame around her neck and read encouraging messages from viewers, referred to as “Vitamin Messages.”


K-Dub Shine did a solo performance of “UNSTOPPABLE” and “Power from the Sky.” 


Proud to be me, that’s how I feel.

I’m proud to be me, that’s what I’m going to stay in the end.


From here, a sketch that is essential to the HEAVENESE live show began. Led by Dr. Abenomizuku, who closely resembles former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (played by percussionist Sue), and Dr. John Hopkins Shimamura, who was born from the program, the skit segment unfolds.


The “Solar Clause,” a rant against the Governor of Tokyo for mandating the installation of solar panels, was danced to the accompaniment of Motoki’s shamisen, with the “Kyosan Denki no Kyozoku” (Communist Electricians) dressed in helmets and work uniforms.


Drummer Ikki, playing the character “Hanpatsu-sensei,” made an appearance to reenact “Gender Exercise,” a parody of the “LGBTQ Gender Exercise” that aired on NHK Educational TV. This led into “Great Damage” by Kirsuteru Seifu.


Ahhhh, endless lies, endless lies, endless lies

Ahhhh, someday, many will die.

The skit segment concluded with “Corona Rhapsody.” Dr. Shimamura started by saying, “That song is where it all began,” and with Kumiko’s call for “Everyone, join in!” the audience joined in for a rousing sing-along.“Mom, oh-oh-oh, please don’t cry. Even if we’re quarantined tomorrow, just live without worry, live on.”

In the first version, which had been removed from YouTube, a video of Makoto Ohashi, professor emeritus at the University of Tokushima, also appeared on the screen, vocalizing the true fatality rate of “0.0008%” if the coronavirus is present.

At the end, Dr. Abenomizuku left us with the words, “If everyone realizes this, we can change the world,” before returning to heaven, concluding the skit segment. Now, we moved into the second half of the main theme.

Marre narrated the scene of Captain Iwamoto saying goodbye to his wife, Kazuko, as he receives orders to deploy to the Southern Front. Determined not to cry as a soldier’s wife, she breaks down in tears in the kitchen at night. Iwamoto holds her tightly, promising to fly over their home the next day and disregards regulations by making a left turn.

Kazuko wrote in her diary.

Departure on the 22nd. From today I am all alone.

On stage, the students of y’s Be waved small Hinomaru flags as they chanted together. When the song ended, the sound of quiet sobbing was heard from various places.

Aircraft Kamikaze bombing was merely a waste of lives and lacked significant impact. Captain Iwamoto defied the orders of military leaders who didn’t understand the realities of aviation, and preached the importance of dropping bombs and returning safely. He installed wires to enable bomb deployment and modified the plane for this purpose. Tragically, Iwamoto eventually lost his life.

“Never miss the heartbeat of their souls!” Marre shouted, leading into a percussion showdown called “Yoninbaori,” a Four-Person Drum Ensemble featuring Ikki, Lue, Sue, and Tenryu playing their drums in perfect harmony. Midway through, Mr. Okura joined in with his drum, and the vibrant calls of “Iyo! Pon!” and “Ooooh, Iyo! Pon!” echoed throughout the venue, energizing the audience.

Sasaki was announced to have sunk an enemy ship in a suicide attack and was reported dead to the Headquarters, even reaching the Emperor. Faced with the need to justify their false report, the military pressured him to carry out a solo attack to truly sink a battleship. However, recalling the words of Lieutenant Iwamoto, who valued the lives of his subordinates above all else, he resolved, “I will absolutely not die.”

The sound of the koto resonated as “Where We Were Before We Were Born” was performed. The screen displayed beautiful Japanese landscapes, Ise Jingu Shrine, Zero fighters heading toward enemy ships, the figure of Emperor Showa, and scenes from a send-off ceremony.

At the end of the narration, Marre called out, “Just as the Banda Corps fought against both the United States and the military leadership, let us bravely stand against two enemies: globalization and the incompetent government that disregards its citizens.”

He went on to say, “You’re not alone. You have countless comrades by your side, and you carry a sense of pride. You embody Japan.” Then, HEAVENESE launched into their performance of “Together.”

“When the time comes, I’ll set off on my journey,
I want you to come too; I can’t leave you behind.

I won’t let go of the hand I’ve grasped tightly,
As long as I have strength, we will walk together.”

The song “Lift,” produced by the nine-time Grammy-winning King of Gospel, Andre Crouch, kicked off with the striking sounds of the Tsugaru shamisen, elevating the excitement to its peak. Even the audience in the balcony stood up, moving together with the rhythm of the song.

As the audience clapped for an encore, the members returned to the stage. Marre asked, “If you came here alone today, please give a round of applause.” A significant number of people clapped. He then encouraged the audience, “Now turn to the person next to you and say hello. Let’s be friends! You shouldn’t leave without talking to anyone. We’re all family here!”

The song “My Precious Ones” was performed. It is themed around the 244th Fighter Squadron, which served as the last line of defense for the Imperial Capital 80 years ago. It was led by Major Teruhiko Kobayashi, who was just 24 years old at the time. Every morning, he would take off from Chofu Airfield and was known as the “Ace of Aces.” The song has become an anthem for today’s youth, who are often tossed around by societal distortions. 

Hand in hand, looking up, let’s keep walking on this road.

As long as we have faith, we’ll keep looking at the same tomorrow.

In the last half of the song, students from Tokyo y’s Be Academy appeared on stage in school uniforms and danced.

At the end, just like in the streaming show, as ‘Reiwa no Uta’ played, the cast and members were introduced. Marre and Kumiko stood at the back, while the members returned to the box. The box then rose into the darkness, setting off for another journey through time and space.

A 52-year-old woman from Yamato City, Kanagawa Prefecture, came with her 10-year-old daughter and a 55-year-old friend from Kawasaki and her 9-year-old daughter. She has been a fan since late 2020. “I realized the absurdities of COVID and sought the truth. While exploring, I discovered ‘Corona Rhapsody’ through YouTube recommendations, which led me to learn about HEAVENESE. When I finally found ‘HEAVENESE Style,’ I was truly amazed,” she explained.

My daughter said, “I cried so hard. It was amazing to think someone who was supposed to be dead was actually alive. It made me feel like celebrating.” Regarding HEAVENESE, she added, “I love it. The parody songs are really funny,” mentioning pieces like “Big Disaster” and “Gender Exercise.” “I knew right away that Hanpatsu-sensei was Ikki,” she exclaimed, enjoying the moment with her friends.