Freedom Fight is an edutainment (educational entertainment) show by HEAVENESE. In a rapidly changing world, Freedom Fight aims to help protect the freedom of thought, speech, religion, and medical expression that has been under attack since the COVID era, and to give courage and strength to many people through a multidimensional performance that mixes music, talk, comedy, and satire.
However, because Marre, the leader of HEAVENESE, publicly opposed the global infection control measures and medical outrage that began with the WHO’s declaration of the Coronavirus Pandemic in March 2020 and was also involved in activities such as the trial to revoke the special exception approval of the new vaccine and the class action lawsuit by vaccine survivors, he resulted in taking a confrontational position against the government. BRIDGE, which had been sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was terminated and re-started as Freedom Fight.
BRIDGE was positioned as a private-sector musical diplomacy and it attracted many embassy representatives and focused on communicating the excellence of the Japanese spirit to the world, literally building bridges of cultural exchange and mutual understanding.
Freedom Fight, in contrast, is an event to share the importance of confirming and defending the fundamental values of democracy, such as freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, as well as the trend of totalitarianism that seeks to cancel indigenous cultures and conventional wisdom.